
Third Reich Eagles header

Welcome to our website: Third Reich Eagles.Third Reich Eagles front picture

This site is an online resource for all those interested in the aesthetics and history of desk, wall and building eagles manufactured and displayed during the 1933-1945 Third Reich period. It has been assembled collectively by a large group of respected, passionate and knowledgeable historical militaria collectors and dealers from across the globe. It’s sole purpose is to educate and encourage discussion among like-minded people interested in the history and originality of Third Reich period eagles. It is not a political site and does not endorse, encourage or promote any ideologies or political movements of the time or since. It is focused only on the study and documentation of the many and varied eagles designed and built prior to the end of 1945.

This site is intended to assist those who wish to further understand and appreciate the artistic and historical significance of the original period Third Reich eagles – and to avoid buying any of the many reproduction and fantasy pieces unfortunately sold as originals in the market today.

We are aware that many people find images of Third Reich eagles in period settings disturbing or offensive. Rest assured that the authors are vehemently opposed to all forms of racism and no racist or anti-Semitic views will be encouraged or tolerated. If the site of Third Reich eagles causes offense, this is not our intent and we strongly recommend that you leave the site without selecting any of the informative links provided.

We welcome any feedback or input to make this site more useful and historically accurate. It is constantly being enhanced with new information and pictures and we welcome your help and valuable insights to make it better.

We do our best to provide accurate information but due to the lack of period documentation we may occasionally get some information wrong. We always welcome more material and you can contact us at info@thirdreicheagles.com.

As we are however a group of collectors and enthusiasts passionate about Third Reich period eagles, we are always looking to buy, sell, trade or discuss new eagles. If you have any you would like to buy, sell or trade or simply want to know more about about a particular eagle you have or have seen, please contact us at info@thirdreicheagles.com.

Please note – this site is still a work in progress. Recent changes can be found here. If you have material to help please contact us.