Anton Buschelberger

Misc > Artists > Anton Buschelberger

Type: Sculptor and Designer

Born: 9/9/1869 Eger (Germany, now Czech Republic)

Death: 3/7/1934 (Dresden, Germany – His grave can be found in the Johannisfriedhof in Dresden)


Anton Büschelberger was most active in the 1920s. He specialised in bronze and his subjects were mostly animals and birds. He studied painting at the artistic metropolis of Munich before settling in Dresden. He was often found in the Dresden zoo sketching and painting the animals, many of which became examples in Bronze. Many of his designs were cast in bronze at the KRAAS artistic foundry in Berlin. He also collaborated with the Karl Ens factory in Rudolstadt – Volkstedt in Thuringia until 1931 when the factory closed.

He specialized in animal sculpture and portraits. In addition to sculpting, he also created numerous paintings.

His father and one of his sons were also well known artists/sculptors.
